Friday, September 17, 2010

It's So Fun Being One!!!

I can't believe how fast this year has gone. My precious baby boy is one today! He is such a mellow baby which is good since he will most likely be put through the ringer with 3 big sisters!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

2010, where'd that come from????

As you can see I am the most thorough Blogger on the Web!!! I have decided that I am so not the blogging type but am going to give it another shot! To spare you the long winded details as to why I haven't posted in so long here is a picture of why:

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thanksgiving 2007

My fabulous family...

Last Thanksgiving we stayed in Leavenworth at a beautiful cabin (mansion). It was so fun! We ended with flurries of snow, it was so fun to be bundeled up and see the sights of Leavenworth all lit up.


My Wedding...

I loved my wedding. If I could only have it once a year...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Halloween 2007

I have grown to love halloween. Valentines day used to be my favorite holiday, red everywhere and the hearts and chocolate and flowers...I'm over it! Maybe it was because Eric never really got into the whole it's a girl holiday thing? But now that autmn is in the air and I see adds for costumes and scary spiders and the pumpking growing ever so large in my back yard, maybe I am ready for a new favorite holiday, Halloween!
The girls are talking and planning for their costumes andI get to dress Alli up (haven't decided what she should be so if you've got ideas send them my way). Maybe it's the change of seasons, the opprotunity to wear warm sweaters and new jeans. Maybe brisk morning walks, ones where your breath trails behind you in a cloud of smoke...? Maybe it is the thought that Halloween is the kick off really to all the important holidays that follow and the good food that comes with them? I love planning holiday meals, Thanksgiving turkey dinner, Christmas Prime Rib, Mmmm I can't wait. Bring it on Fall!

Friday, September 12, 2008

So today I am really missing my friend Heather. She was my other half all the way through college and we are two peas in a pod. However she moved away about a year and a half ago to Virginia. I have only seen her twice. And as much as I would like to say that we talk all the time, we don't. She's busy, she has two girls, one 13 and the other is 11 months. She also just started back to school to get her BSN. I too am busy with my life.

Heather is one of those friend that you could pick up where you left off even if it was 23 years later. There is this comfortable feeling to our friendship. I wouldn't trade it for the world, I wouldn't trade her for the world!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Wonder where she gets it???

So this is Allison's new favorite outfit

She isn't picky about the variety of boots or the shirt for that matter.

Red boots work, green shirts work, as long as there are no pants involved!